Jeffrey confirmed the house had previously been owned by

About 100 people attended this important event including the mayors from all three communities, Cal McDougall, Mary Giuliano, Dean McKerracher and their council members, Area A director Mike Sosnowski as well as MLA Bill Bennett and wife Beth Bennett, his assistant Heather Smith, Teck’s VP Development Coal Larry Davey and Alec Morrison from BC Mining Suppliers Association.The event began at 11:30 with a hosted bar doctor mask, wine and cheese reception provided by the Mining Suppliers with lunch following.Chamber manager and organizer of the occasion Norma McDougall was MC; she welcomed everyone and introduced the invited guests.Mayor McDougall welcomed everybody and Alec Morrison brought greetings from the BC Mining Suppliers Association.Teck’s Larry Davey provided a very informative presentation touching on safety not only on the job but also as employees drive home. He said Teck employees 10,000 people and is the largest company in Canada.Teck produces copper n95 face mask, zinc, steelmaking coal, wind turbine energy and in 2017 oil production will be added. Teck has put ten million dollars in community investment and it was noted that this present down cycle is more severe than what has been experienced in the past.In 2013 five steelmaking companies were in production today Teck is the only one left.

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