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I try not to think too much. Like other things now dildos, thought must be rationed. There’s a lot that doesn’t bear thinking about. _this is an approximate recount of the dialogue between my mother and I only hours ago It’s funny that i just found this post today, because my mom was just bitching about how i was planning on going to the homecoming dance (next saturday) with my girlfriend. She continues to ask me if I’m still interested in guys at all (which i am, slightly) and then, when i tell her “yes” she goes on to say “but if you go to the dance with a girl than the guys will think you’re gay and they’ll never ask you out.” and i say: “well, right now i have a girlfriend so i wouldn’t say yes even if they did ask me out i’m monogomous and loyal to my gf.” She says “but are you SURE you might still go out with a guy?” I say “Mom, i’ve told you a zillion times, I don’t judge people based on their genitals ” mom says “why do you always have to be different it’s just going to cause more problems i think you like being called names, you like the attention.” I say: “NO mom dildos, i don’t LIKE being called names and I’m not going to change my heart for you and I’m not doing this or NOT not doing this for anyone else but me. She says “Always making things difficult.

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