Fish habitat includes the lakes

“In reviewing Mr. Dobell’s federal lobbying activities on behalf of the Premier’s Office and the City of Vancouver, it took me only a few days to discover that he has violated a serious federal statute. Twice Dobell failed to register within the statutory time period, and he also failed to disclose a conflict of interest before undertaking lobbying work, contrary to the Act.

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kanken mini I don’t care if I loose them both. I don’t have a cell phone. If I did, I’d leave it turned off till I want to make a call. Section 35 protection was passed by Parliament in 1976 and has been extensively used across Canada over the past 36 years.This has proven to be a disaster wherever it has been attempted elsewhere in the World.I have just been leaked a confidential copy of proposed changes to the habitat provisions of the Fisheries Act as directed by the political levels within the Harper Government. The government is totally re writing the habitat protection provisions of Section 35 so as to remove habitat protection out of the Fisheries Act.This is a serious situation and will put Canada back to where we were in the pre 1976 period where Canada had no laws to protect fish habitat and no way to monitor the great industrial expansion that occurred in Canada with the consequential loss of major fish habitat all across Canada.Fish habitat includes the lakes, rivers and oceans and their water flows, life processes, the banks and the riparian vegetation along a water way, marshes, gravel beds and the diversity of habitat that allow a rich and diverse population of life to live in our waterways that supports a large economic, cultural and recreational fishery. The bears, eagles, otters, grebes, herons, etc.Section 35 of the Fisheries Act now states:35 No person shall carry on any work or undertaking that results in the harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat.The existing effective and essential piece of legislation is to be changed to apparently just protect fish something that the Act already does kanken mini.

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