The government is bailing out the elite during this economic

Minutes after the lone guy, Gitxsan Nation member Elmer Derrick, signed an agreement expressing support for Enbridge, who former BC Liberal MLA and Enbridge promoter, Roger Harris, first connived into signing an initial agreement with Enbridge, the Mainstream Media went into a frenzy with every station, every TV outlet, newspaper and website screaming headlines how the Gitxsan Nation supported Enbridge. Days later when he was drummed out of his office, fired along with all his other co conspirators, nothing was said. A few weeks later when a Judge declared the Society Derrick was using to promote Enbridge illegal, again nothing..

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Is Chinook jargon for us, our. It comes from a trade language used by many different Aboriginal linguistic groups along the west coast of North America. Chinook jargon was used extensively in British Columbia during the 19th and early 20th centuries to help Aboriginal people communicate, first among themselves and then with European newcomers..

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