Ruth lived in her home for 64 years

By that definition, it is not First Nations, conservation groups or individual opponents that are radical. They seek to protect the fundamental nature of the wilderness of northern British Columbia, the ecological health of British Columbia coastal eco systems, and the integrity of impartial environmental review. It is your government that is radical by proposing quite radical alteration of those values..

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Speaker after speaker took to the microphone at today’s rally that was organized by several prominent First Nations and environmental groups to oppose Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway project that would see dual crude oil and condensate pipelines snaking across 1,170 kilometres of challenging and sensitive terrain. The rally coincides with Joint Review Panel hearings, mandated by the National Energy Board, in Kitimat seeking public input into specific issues related to the Enbridge application and hearing process. Be that as it may, the oil/tar sands produce 6% of all Canada Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

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