You start with the “Sensual Foreplay for Her” card

A longer penis could cause a very general sort of vague sensation of more “fullness” (although the diametre of a penis effects that moreso) in a vagina, that some people really prefer. But it’s a very minute difference and isn’t necessarily preferable at all, but SOME people do prefer it. But often people’s ideas are strongly influenced by cultural standards and misinformation about how much genital size has to do with physical pleasure..

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I didn’t try anything too serious or lengthy with mine, but that stem is definitely more than just decoration. It’s also a pretty comfortable grip for either thrusting or holding in place if necessary. (My hands are full of arthritis and fine motor issues, so if I could hold on comfortably I think most users should be fine.).

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At Sunday night’s 11th annual National Design Awards gala in New York City, officials with the Cooper Hewitt, National Design Museum announced that this year’s People’s Design Award winner was Leslie Ligon of At First Sight Braille Jewelry. Her winning entry is a bracelet with the complete Braille alphabet on the outside and the print alphabet on the inside. Her design was chosen from more than 100 nominations as the favorite in a public vote.

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