Dill wasn better than Monique performance

Asia was clearly shattered wih Vanessa’s sashay

Asia runway was better, but that snatch game canada goose outlet toronto location should been unforgivable, the way it was for Max and Acid Betty. She only used the cards as a pattern, because canada goose outlet canada she was Monique Heart the Queen of Hearts, and then did that collar thing with the cards and roses which was very cute.Miss Heart didn have the easiest materials to work with (these plastic signs and she folded those hat brims so well) but she embraced the materials and slayed. Her top might have been the simplest part of it and the back wasn perfect (she put the plastic signs together in the back the best she could) but what she did with the skirt and the wig shoudn be discounted because the top wasn as amazing, it still looked really good. She put the extra work canada goose outlet sale into these important pieces and I thought she should have won. Even only for the wig, I don care, what she did with those signs to make a wig still canada goose outlet price blows buy canada goose uk my mind.She should have been in the Top in Episode canada goose outlet legit 3 because Dusty and her were the best in their canada goose outlet england team but Dusty runway was a mess and Monique had one of the best looks (I think they should have picked the best ones from each team, so Asia, Monique and Blair).She slayed the Bossy Rossy show but they treated her as a third placer behind Eureka and Cracker. I get why the judges canada goose uk loved Eureka, she was definitely up there but Dr. Dill wasn better than Monique performance. Monique and Eureka were the best in that challenge. Monique was my personal choice but I get why Eureka won (I thought Monique was better than Eureka in the challenge but I also thought Eureka had a better runway, but we got the https://www.scrubsuniforms.ca/ canada goose outlet sale Brown Cow Stunning look so I don know).She was the best individually in the DragCon challenge as a moderator but was brought down by her team (Eureka and Mont worked better together while Monique didn have the same chemistry with Asia and Aquaria) and didn even get a good canada goose outlet store toronto comment from RuPaul because her look was underwhelming.They never gave her the right amount of praise and I pissed about it. i think her issue is that even on her good looks she was outshined by aquaria, but that could be said about everyone. i don’t think i can remember anyone else’s runways canada goose outlet in vancouver but her without needing to google them because aquaria was the runway queen canada goose outlet store quebec that season. ill lower the percentage to 75% of her looks, but for the most part i Visit Website still don’t enjoy canada goose outlet store near me most of her looks.im not anti asia either, she was my choice runner up to aquaria but i just disliked her runways. finally somebody says it. so brave. I always want to say this but dont want to canada goose jacket outlet store be downrated to hell. canada goose uk site I completely agree, I just dont see what everyone else sees when they worship these looks, she is obviously a really talented costume designer and but I dont know her taste to me is just. so tacky. But everything is executed impeccably, and I also always love her nude illusions and canada goose outlet in canada how she manages to get her EXACT skintone. But yeah the colours and the prints and just all the clashing, I get that its canada goose outlet phone number drag and its supposed to be OTT and too much. But even for drag its just too tacky for me.I canada goose outlet store calgary agree about her finale look and tweety and even the lamp official canada goose outlet couture though, with the lamp couture though at first I thought the dress was so random like why is she a dandelion but with this black velvet evening gown. I liked it more when I realized it was a velvet green, but I think it would be better if it was more obvious that her body is like the dandelion stem.An again the headpiece I dont know, I sort of like canada goose outlet florida the idea I dont know maybe if it was more petite? But tbf I didnt like lashawns headpiece in the apocolapytic challenge which people love, so maybe I just dont get it, mean i love the cute campy head pieces that are more petite like lineyshas shoe and canada goose outlet germany sashas house. I feel like there are cases where tackiness really hurts the look and cases where it doesn because drag has a tacky side. But I definitely get why people wouldn like it though.

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