But there is resistance among Democratic senators from red

Scozzafava contest a bellwether for GOP battle between ideology and electability

In an ideal world, politics is both of those things, but at the canada goose outlet in vancouver moment, both Republicans and Democrats face internal debates about the true nature of what it canada goose coats uk means to be a political party. A once obscure special House election in upstate New York and the high profile debate over health care illustrate the uncomfortable choices that accompany building stable, governing coalitions.

Start with the Republicans. New York’s 23rd congressional district, in the far northern reaches of the Empire State, has been in Republican hands for generations. It is now the scene of a high stakes struggle between national Republican leaders that could result in a Democratic victory and an embarrassment to the GOP.

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The Republican nominee, backed by local party leaders, is Dede Scozzafava, a state assemblywoman. Like some other northeastern Republicans, she is generally conservative on many fiscal issues but favors both abortion rights and gay rights. She is, say canada goose outlet store uk her supporters, the kind of Republican who can win a canada goose outlet store quebec race in a district like New York’s 23rd.

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Gingrich warned against imposing ideological litmus tests and said the party should not purge all prospective https://www.canadagoose-jackets-online.com candidates who don’t agree with GOP doctrine 100 percent of the time. That, he told Fox News, will guarantee Obama’s reelection in 2012 and a continued canada goose outlet winnipeg Democratic majority in the House.

The most recent polls show Scozzafava sliding and Hoffman rising. Some polling suggests Hoffman might actually be able to slip past both the Republican and Democratic nominees in what would be a major upset, although he will have to withstand a vigorous attack from his rivals in the final days of the campaign to manage that feat. As likely is that Scozzafava and Hoffman will divide the Republican vote and allow Owens to win.

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Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D Nev.) has upped the ante by announcing he will send official canada goose outlet a bill to the floor that includes a public option (though with an opt out clause for states). canada goose outlet uk His decision has delighted liberals and progressives, both elected officials and grass roots activists. But it’s not clear he has the votes to pass canada goose outlet canada the bill.

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It is noteworthy that the engineers of the Republican takeover in 1994 and the Democratic takeover in 2006 are the strongest advocates for matching House candidates with their constituencies and then dealing with the consequences.

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The stakes for Democrats in the health care battle are enormous. For Republicans, the stakes in New York’s 23rd district may not be at that level, but nonetheless reveal a potentially debilitating split within their coalition. No matter the outcome next week in New York and, later, in Congress over health care, the arguments underway in both parties canada goose jacket outlet will continue to echo into the future.

The election campain for the NY 23rd Congressional District is the big story of ’09. Before the election, it was front page news. Now that the people of the 23rd have spoken, no one seems to be interested. No one except the smart people. (Yes Mr. Baltz this means you!)

The winged monkeys of republicanism descended on NY 23rd and thought they could kidnap their election and fly off with the “wicked witch of Wazilla.” The People of the 23rd just said, “Fuggettaboutit!”

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I consider myself an upstater.

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