I guess you might call some of them lowlifes because of what

Fuqua School looks to African American football star to shatter racist legacy

canada goose coats FARMVILLE, Va. Nearly 50 years after it opened as a sanctuary for white students in a county canada goose outlet edmonton that resisted school desegregation to canada goose outlet trillium parka black the very end, the Fuqua School wanted badly to prove its racist days were over. canada goose coats

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In the period of “massive resistance” to Brown v. Board, the Prince Edward Academy was founded canada goose outlet hong kong for white students in 1959. The private school, later renamed Fuqua, was canada goose outlet online reviews subsidized by tax dollars. Black students in Prince Edward were forced to drop out or move.

“That history left deep scars,” Murphy said. “In the black community, it made it very hard to see Fuqua as being anything other than racist.”

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As a freshman, Williams was struggling at Prince Edward County High. He and his canada goose outlet ottawa mother worried that he wasn’t getting the attention he needed. At Fuqua, they thought, he might get a better education.

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He thought about it for less than a week. Then he said yes.

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History creeps up

Now 17, Williams is a senior and captain of Fuqua’s football Falcons. He is known for inspiring pep talks and tenacity on the field. The school says its bet on Williams paid off. Fifteen of Fuqua’s 420 students are black, up from five when he enrolled. And the athletic director calls Williams the best athlete in the canada goose parka uk school’s history.

Fuqua is near the center of Farmville, a patchwork of residential streets surrounded by miles of farmland. Neighboring towns are monuments to dead industries and more canada goose outlet online uk profitable years, with canada goose discount uk names such as Tobaccoville and Cotton Town and Allens Mill.

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“The school canada goose outlet near me has changed, and people here have changed. But you can’t totally eradicate those prejudices,” Murphy said.

One fall afternoon, Williams leaves Fuqua for a weekly ritual: a pregame visit to his barber shop. He drives a family car through a poor neighborhood that is almost entirely black, full of men who wave at him. Williams’s home looks much canada goose outlet las vegas like these the reflection of a family https://www.winterdownparkas.com struggling to stay afloat.

“People at school look at this street like it’s the ghetto,” Williams says, waving canada goose uk back. “But I grew up with these guys. I’ve known them forever. I guess you might call some of them lowlifes because of what they’re into, but I’m not going to judge them.”

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