“Chapa was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in 2012

For Women With Breast Cancer

During her first Breast Cancer Awareness Month after being diagnosed with a stage 2b invasive ductal carcinomain canada goose outlet location 2012, Lawrenceparticipated wholeheartedly. Shewore the pink T shirts and ribbons, and rallied together with her friends and family aroundthe cause that had become so personal to her.

Lawrence, 36, was declared cancer free in 2013 after six rounds of chemotherapy and a bilateral mastectomy. But in the summer of 2014, she returned to her breast surgeon with concerns aboutsigns of infection in one of her reconstructed breasts. A biopsy http://www.canadagoosecanadaoutlet.com concluded that Lawrence had experienced a chest wall recurrence. Because her cancer washormone receptor positive, shealsohad her ovaries removed.

These days, Lawrence has mixed feelings about Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

“[The slogans are] detrimental to our psyche, our confidence,” she said.

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Approximately 90 canada goose clothing uk percent of Graham’s patients have breast cancer, and she has noticed a rise in theiranxiety levelsduring October. She told HuffPost that she receives more phone calls from patients concerned about their cancer coming backduring that month than any other. She also believesthat October can bring back negative feelings for survivors, even those who are many years out from their initial diagnosis.

Graham said that the month’s focus on breast cancer prevention is not always helpful.

“The vast majority of my patients are acutely aware of breast cancer,” she said. “Theydid all the right things. They were alwayshaving their mammograms, going to their doctors, exercising, eating canada goose outlet woodbury leafy green vegetables and they still got breast cancer.”

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“Last October I dressed my baby boy in pink so he could participate in a breast cancer awareness canada goose outlet locations in toronto walk,” Argenziano wrote in a blog postabout living with breast cancer.”This October I know all those pink ribbons and all that money does nothing for people like me who will die from this awful disease. This October I know that Susan G. Komen died from metastatic breast cancer but that she would turn in her grave if she knew what little money raised in her namesake goes toward actually finding a cure.”

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“Breast Cancer Awareness month has always been a source of stress for my sister and I because we recognize the detrimental effects of it all,” said 20 year old Kady Schwartz, whose sister, 30 year old Sgt. CassieMecuk, is currently hospitalized due to complications with her stage 4 breast cancer.”Breast cancer is not pink, it is not all about boobs and bras; breast cancer is terrifying and dangerous. Breast cancer is not something we can pay away. Fundraising is great, don’t get me wrong, but my sister and I are both sick of people buying a pink spatula and thinking that’s all they can do. It’s not.”

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Canada Goose Parka ‘Pinkwashing’ is the commercialization of breast cancer, which the American Cancer Society stands against. We work to end breast cancer as demonstrated by our canada goose outlet mall Making Strides walk a key initiative to help further our life saving progress. The American Cancer Society understands that people view pink ribbons canada goose outlet legit differently. For millions, it canada goose kensington parka uk means something very special like the memory of a loved canada goose parka outlet uk one, support for someone facing the disease or hope for the next generation. For others, ribbons don’t hold that kind of special meaning. We respect both sides of that discussion. It’s breast cancer that is the problem, and the Society is committed to help save more lives from this disease. Canada Goose Parka

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Canada Goose online “I want to say to women, ‘Know your body, know canada goose outlet online store your options, know how to get it treated,'” said Lawrence. “Don’t just wear a pink t shirt and take off your bra.” Canada Goose online

Results of a massive gene analysis, published canada goose outlet sale last month in the journal Nature, shows that there are four major classes of breast cancer, the Associated Press reported.

“Now, we can investigate which drugs work best for patients based on the genetic profiles of their tumors,” he added in the statement. “For basal like breast tumors, it clear they are genetically more similar to ovarian tumors than to other breast cancers. Whether they can be treated the same way is an canada goose outlet factory intriguing canada goose outlet toronto possibility canada goose outlet in toronto that needs to be canada goose outlet nyc explored.”.

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