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moncler outlet uk Reinhardt biggest problem is that he is particularly vulnerable to stuns and shield break, compared to Orisa with a very sustainable shield, where Orisa can continue to be a source of damage while preventing crowd control effects on her using Fortify. Doomfist can knock Rein and his shield around, Mccree can flash him at closer range, both of which set up plays that need the shield to be outbof the way. Orisa may be stunned, but her shield stays up and Fortify is also an answer. I haven even included Brigitte, which will be a huge nuisance if not worse once she hits comp without a nerf. moncler outlet uk

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moncler outlet I don want nerfs to the tanks, they have enough problems as it is. Personally, in my trash gold player mind, I like to buff Rein so that there at least a nice niche where Rein can be more viable in more maps, whether it buffing his shield or mobility. moncler outlet

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