“They had gained national and international attention

America’s immigration battles go beyond walls and borders

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moncler outlet uk cheap moncler jackets sale It is ironic that the “dreamers” now ranging from their teens to their 30s would become tied in the public imagination to a proposal that arrived years ago but has yet to achieve full legal status. The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act has been around since 2001 and reintroduced, to no avail, on multiple occasions. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, launched in 2012 and set to end next month, has some 690,000 participants formally enrolled, a small slice of the total undocumented population, estimated at about 11 million. Yet its potential beneficiaries have become the face of America’s immigration debate. They are the young, the educated and the promising. Their early advocacy invariably featured caps and gowns. cheap moncler jackets sale moncler outlet uk

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