Long Hair Is Feminine: Nymphs wear it at least waist long

Color Coded for Your Convenience: The Sins: Sloth: Dark Blue Lust: Pink or Purple Anger: Black for original Anger, Blue for Pettiness Pride: Yellow Envy: Green for Desire, Black and Orange for Flattery, Black for Jealousy Greed: Brown Gluttony: Orange (bright pink or neon green early on) for Craving, Light Blue/Black for Gorging Cross Cultural Handshake: Here. Curb Stomp Battle: The Rulers, a new band of forces, easily crushed the Tarot and conquered the human world. When the Sins encounter them, they experience the same fate. Curb Stomp Cushion: The big showdown pitting the Tarot against the Sins and Virtues. A few Tarot are able to put up a bit of a fight, but for the most part, the Sins and Virtues manage to crush them. Curse Cut Short: Here. Cursed with Awesome: The strain of becoming host to the Sins shatters your soul, making animals hate you and possibly denying access to a proper afterlife (assuming one exists at all), resulting in The Nothing After Death. but you get to command around the personifications of the forces of humanity’s sins. Proves to no longer be a curse at the end of Venials, because the only humans who could be brought back and survive The End of the World as We Know It were the former hosts. A Day in the Limelight: Murdoch got one, in which he tried to figure out what Filo was ‘up to’. It didn’t go well, probably because he’s The Chew Toy. Deadpan Snarker: Lust, Murdoch, Joy. Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: The Sins (and Chastity) fighting Death. It’s even lampshaded. Gotta love Flattery!Envy’s expression. Hoarding!Greed’s Oh, Crap! expression is good too. Dumbass Has a Point: Gorging!Gluttony tends to be.

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