Prosecutors allege that the warehouse violated several rules

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Replica Valentino 2, 2016, claimed the lives of 36 people.Almena and Harris, 27, who are in custody in lieu of $750,000 bail, are charged with 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter for the fire , one count for each person who died.The purpose of their preliminary hearing, which has lasted three days so far and will resume on Tuesday, is to determine if there enough evidence for them to stand trial.Prosecutors allege that the warehouse violated several rules under the California Fire Code, such as not having adequate, fire suppression systems, smoke alarms, exit signs and sprinklers.Prosecutors also allege that Almena fostered an environment in which highly flammable materials were allowed and that Almena and Harris remodeled the warehouse without going through proper inspection and permitting procedures.Brita, a schoolteacher, said she moved into the warehouse on New Year Day in 2016 and described it as “the most beautiful place I ever lived. Everything together has a sort of magic to it.”Brita, who was on the verge of tears as she talked about the building, said, “Everybody who came into that place knew it was beautiful. It was just fun and it was vibrant and I just felt safe there.”She said she paid $565 a month to live there but said she didn consider that sum to be rent and instead thought of it “more like a contribution for a collective.”Brita said the warehouse was filled with artwork, tapestries, rugs, statues, pianos and RV that were used as living spaces but in response to a question from one of Almena lawyers, Tony Serra, she didn consider it to be a fire trap.Brita said, “Nobody ever thinks their house is the one that will burn down.”Under questioning by one of the prosecutors, David Lim, Brita admitted the building didn have a fire alarm handle that someone could have pulled to set off an alarm that would have alerted the people who were at a noisy music party on the building second floor when the blaze erupted.She said, “That wasn part of the original construction.”Brita said, “I just want everyone to know how fast it (the fire) happened Replica Valentino.

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