While 60 percent of 18 29 year olds supported the president

Young voters might be pro Obama, but they even more pro marijuana. While 60 percent of 18 29 year olds supported the president reelection, the CBS News and Quinnipiac polls, as well as the Washington and Colorado exit polls, show an impressive 65 70 percent of voters under age 30 supporting marijuana legalization. The rise of the millennial generation not persuasion of older voters is primarily responsible for marijuana’s growing strength in national polls, with 65 to 70 percent of seniors remaining opposed to marijuana legalization. However, another state legislator said the school might still face some future challenges.not comfortable with this, said Rep. Cheri Gerou, R Evergreen. May be sidestepping the process and disregarding the will of the legislature. The simpler explanation is usually the correct one (Occam razor), and a biological model that has demonstrable analogs in non death circumstances is far simpler than being greeted by spirits, etc. If you chose to believe otherwise, that is of course your prerogative. I know some attempts have been made to scientifically document NDE features such as out of body experiences by placing objects around the room at various heights the dying person would not know about. COMMUNICATION ON DEFENSE The Gophers have five returning starters from last year NCAA tournament team, but they don look like they have played much together when it comes to team defense. At least that been clearly the case in the three losses this year. Opponents have been carving Minnesota up with pick and roll motion offenses.

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