The goal is to redesign the healthcare delivery system so that

The through traffic can go past at high speed, whilst the local traffic can go at the sort of speeds that reduce pollution and reduce the severity of injury when somebody is too busy checking their phone instead of checking where they should be driving.The main access road to the hospital ends in the middle of a business park, the Biomedical Campus, and then in the middle of the hospital.That would be the equivalent of the A14 going directly into the Science Park and coming out at the Regional College.I hope everybody would agree that having a road like the A14 going through the Science Park and CRC would be a stupid idea. Yet, people think that just because there is a road that can be used as a rat run means that they have the right to rat run.Also, right at the end of the road is a 20 mph hospital estate road with many important medical departments on it. MRI scanners, the oncology centre, and many other places.

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