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canada goose sale Jeremy Clarkson rushed to hospital with pneumonia as family ‘beg him to cull booze and fags lifestyle’The presenter shared a snap of him on a hospital drip it was later confirmed he had pneumonia10:47, 6 AUG cheap canada goose 2017Updated11:09, 6 AUG 2017Get celebs updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailJeremy Clarkson has been rushed to hospital with pneumonia after falling ill during a family holiday.It is understood Clarkson, 57, was on holiday in Majorca, Spain, when he had to be rushed to hospital with the dangerous infection.A spokeswoman for The Grand Tour said: ‘Jeremy Clarkson was admitted to hospital on Friday morning during a family holiday in Spain, and is being treated for pneumonia.’When contacted by the Sunday Mirror, the former Top Gear presenter said: “Put it this way. You won’t be hearing much from me for a few weeks.”(Image: AMAZON PRIME UK)Posting a photograph of his right arm covered with a drip and blue and white hospital wrist tags, he also wrote on Instagram: “Not the sort of bangles I usually choose on holiday.”Family have urged Clarkson to cull his boozy lifestyle after a series of health scares.A source told The Sun: ‘Inevitably people close to him are saying it’s time to think about the way he looks after himself cutting back on the booze and fags but he’s never been one to take that sort of guidance on board.’Clarkson’s daughter Emily wrote his weekly newspaper column, published yesterday.It is believed she flew back from Majorca on Thursday.”But I couldn’t do that. We were in the middle of a Top Gear series canada goose sale.

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