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Torres determined to best are there any canada goose outlet stores place to buy buy canada goose jacket online canada a canada goose jacket in toronto play against Everton

The Liverpool striker Fernando Torres is confident he will recover from a thigh strain in time for Saturday’s derby with Everton at Goodison best place to buy a canada goose jacket in toronto Park.

Torres suffered the injury in training black friday 2013 canada goose amazon canada goose jacket sale with Spain last Friday canada goose outlet, and was initially expected to be out for eight to 10 canada goose coat 1000 bulbs coupons best canada goose jacket for women days, but insisted today he was determined to play in his first Merseyside derby.

“I canada goose coat 1000 bulbs garland intend to be fit for the Everton game on Saturday,” said Torres. “I don’t want to miss best place to buy a canada goose jacket out on the derby, because it is such an important game.”

Torres, who has scored seven goals for Liverpool since joining in the summer, is now undergoing fitness work at the club’s Melwood training headquarters in a bid to prove his fitness.

“Fernando has been assessed by the club’s medical staff and underwent a scan which confirmed an adductor injury,” confirmed Liverpool’s spokesman Ian Cotton. “He will now undergo intensive treatment at Melwood.”

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