If everything overtly is dismissed as sexist

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cheap oakleys They publicly decried wolf whistling and Page 3 of The Sun while privately consuming a tidal wave of internet porn (ironically making them do it yourselfers in a very different sense).Men were clamouring over themselves to be seen as anything but sexist.But as we lost our rough edges and took on more of what had traditionally been regarded as female roles, no one really stopped to question whether equality for women came with a cost for masculinity. If everything overtly is dismissed as sexist, what left of men is, arguably, sexless.You see this behavioural androgyny everywhere, from the increasingly corporate and sterile football terraces to the Croc wearing househusband on the school run.In an age where we expected to Hoover, iron, change nappies, make a woman climax for four hours like Sting and cook like Jamie Oliver, old fashioned pursuits like DIY have become quaint, self indulgent and almost shameful.The result is that many modern men are more like our mothers than our fathers, while the opposite is true for women, who are increasingly wearing the trousers.Women decry us for not being able to wire a plug like our dads, but can or would they cook a cracking apple crumble like their mums?No, they rather watch some bugger else do it on the Great British Bake Off, then go to M just like we rather watch Grand Designs cheap oakley sunglasses, then pay a Polish geezer to do our wallpapering.Manual labour is increasingly seen as something other people do for us. While 43 per cent of 18 25s would attempt a DIY task, 41 per cent would hire around their own deficiencies and call in the navvies.Another depressing fact is that Lloyd Bank estimate that some 3.3 million bodged DIY tasks need to be put right by a paid professional, at an average cost of over three grand each time.A French electrician I once got in told me, love British DIYers: 75 per cent of my work is finishing jobs you guys started. cheap oakleys

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