The club refused to allow Mr Singh

Karnail Singh outside the Manurewa Cosmopolitan Club. The club refused to allow Mr Singh, a Sikh, to wear a turban to a function held to recognise his service to the community. Photo / Greg Bowker.Cosmopolitan Clubs say they will not criticise a Manurewa club for banning turban wearing Sikhs, even as the Human Rights Commission calls it “a blast from the past” and “deeply” disappointing.South Auckland’s Manurewa Cosmopolitan Club voted overwhelmingly on Sunday to keep a ban that prevents Sikhs from entering its premises.The issue has been ongoing since last year when the club kept Karnail Singh out of a function held in his honour because he would not remove his Sikh turban.Nearby clubs said they had no problems with Sikhs or turbans, but would not comment on the Manurewa club’s decision.The Pukekohe club, where Mr Singh is a member, declined to comment on record, saying it did not want to get involved in the politics, but that Mr Singh had been an important member of the club and it had never had a problem with his turban.Papatoetoe’s club president Ray George said his club had discussed the issue and decided headgear would be allowed for religious or medical reasons, and it would not think of banning turbans.But Mr George said he would not comment on Manurewa’s decision.At Otahuhu, manager Lynne Smith said her club had no hard and fast rules but it was sensitive to all cultures and turbans were not a problem.

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