The Aims and ideals of the                 Self-Respect Party of South India.



  1. The attainment of complete independence from the British and other forms of capitalist Governments.
  2. The cancellation of all national debts.
  3. Public ownership of Railways, Banks, Shipping and other transport services waters and lands etc.,
  4. Public ownership without compensation of all agricultural lands, forests, and estates.
  5. Cancellation of all private debts and other obligations incurred by the workers and peasants.
  6. Changing of all Native States into one common Indian Federation under the rule of the workers and peasants of India.
  7. Improving the life of the workers and peasants of the land by securing for them, more than 7 hours labour, increased wages, State aid for their unemployed, health resorts, free libraries and other cultural facilities.
  8. These shall form the main ideals of the Self-Respect Party.


Self-Respect League.

Samadharma Party of South India.



Whereas, the Self-Respect Party, during the past eight years has very largely succeeded in rousing the attention of the mass people to the enormity of their superstitions habits, customs and practices of their religion and caste and of their degraded economic conditions of life.

Whereas, it is becoming increasingly evident that such irrational religious and caste habits and customs and their low economic conditions of life, cannot be done away with, except through state action, and

Whereas, it is further evident that  the various political social and religious bodies and institutions are ever more determined to hold the masses in social, religious and economic bondage and degradation, through their political organisation all over the country, and

Whereas, the safeguards adopted by the Round Table Conference for the perpetuation of pernicious religious practices and of inhuman caste distinctions are inimical to and destructive of all rational life of the masses.


IT IS HEREBY PROPOSED to form from the body of Self respectors, a political Party called THE SAMADHARMA PARTY OF S. I., to carry out the following main objects, namely,

  1. To obtain by constitutional means and methods, the repeal of all irrational safeguards for the private enjoyment of public utilities, for all harmful religious and caste practices and habits, and thereby free the masses from their degrading religious and caste superstitions and habits and improve their economic life.
  2. To obtain the adoption of adult suffrage for election of members to all Government, Legislative and Municipal bodies, Local, Provincial and Central.

III. To obtain security of service and minimum wage to all workers in public and private utility services, such as factories, workshops, railways, shipping, transport, post and telegraphs etc.,

  1. To get for the landless workers and agricultural labourers working in cultivable lands, estates and waters, a reasonable share in the produce of such lands, estates and waters.
  2. To obtain state sanction for utilising temple, church, mosque and religious funds and incomes, for the education, both literary and vocational, for sanitation and housing of the mass population in the country, and for the maintenance of destitute children and orphans.
  3. To obtain the removal of all caste distinctions among all caste, sects and classes of the Indian community, by removing all caste titles, from all public records and making such retention of caste titles as a disability to hold any kind of public service.

VII. To secure through state action, municipalisation of housing, transport, milk and medical service and establishment of nurseries in Municipalities Taluk and District Boards and Village Unions.

VIII. To set up party candidates to the Legislative Councils, Taluk, District, and Village Boards and Unions and Panchayats, to secure the aforesaid  objects of the party.

  1. Party Candidates pledged to these various objects of the party will be elected for the various Legislative Councils, Taluk and District Boards, Village Unions etc.

X . These various measures, acts, and reforms shall be obtained through all constitutional means and methods such as council entry and propaganda by means of lectures, discussions and discourses as well as through the press. Rules and regulations for party funds and organisations etc will be made by a provisional committee of the party called for the purpose.

குடி அரசு – 01.01.1933




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