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(incl. Anime News Nina!, ANNtv, ANNCast, Answerman, Astro Toy, Brain Diving steroids, Buried Treasure, Chicks On Anime, Crashing Japan, The Dub Track, The Edit List, Epic Threads, From The Gallery steroids, Hai Fidelity, House of 1000 Manga, Ima Kore Ga Hoshiin Da, Old School, Pile of Shame, RIGHT TURN ONLY!!, Shelf Life, Sound Decision, Sub Culture, Super Plastic steroids, Tales Of The Industry, Tankobon Tower, The Click, The Gallery, The List, The Mike Toole Show steroids, The Set List, The Stream, This Week in Games, This Week in Anime steroids, Vice Luna)As for other stuff, I don’t watch much TV anymore as UK TV has been plagued by reality TV for several years now; if I want to rot my brain, I’d rather soak myself in alcohol it would be less painful than having to sit through Pop Idol or that Big Brother nonsense. The only TV series I follow with any sort of regularity is CSI it’s two clones the reason I enjoy these shows is due to the fact that I’m a scientist by profession, so I find it interesting seeing the techniques I use at work in a fictional TV setting.

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