Once again the Kermodes got off to a slow start as the Blaze

Pockets of angry protesters attacked Chinese bank outlets and shops, vandalized subway stations and set street fires across the city, prompting police to respond with tear gas in many areas. An officer fired a single shot from his gun in self defence after he was attacked by protesters in the northern Yuen Long district, said police spokeswoman Yolanda Yu. She said a male was wounded, but that police didn’t know exactly how he got shot..

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The NH Board meeting also saw two motions submitted that relate to capital projects. The motions support the process of developing full implementation plans, in collaboration with the Stuart Nechako Regional Hospital District and the North West Regional Hospital District, for the replacement of the Lakes District Hospital in Burns Lake and the Queen Charlotte Islands General Hospital on Haida Gwaii. The passing of these motions is an important hurdle in moving forward the critical planning path for the development of new facilities..

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