” As a result, what may look like signs being held up at random

I love my son, and I love my wife. I also love my life and for the moment my job. But the world would still be better off without us.. What ever happened to pushing a kid off her bike and taking it? Now kids are killing each other for their bikes?! Not that I think that pushing is acceptable, but there was a time where killing another person was unthinkable for anyone, let alone children, and let alone for a bicycle! There is something seriously off kilter with how we raising our children. What MATTERS isn so much that an innocent little WHITE girl was murdered for possibly her bicycle by two BLACK punks what REALLY MATTERS is the media SILENCE!! including CNN!!. Look at the wall to wall 24/7 coverage of the Treyvon Martin Case or Crystal Mangum the Duke Lacrosse Team and THIS case? Nothing..

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