The party also appears to have the wind at its backs heading

3HubPages Tutorials and CommunityWe No Longer Have 3 Hour Grace Period on Forums Postsby Person of Interest 3 weeks agoSad. We needed that; oh well. The page was counted as overly promotional mainly because of Zazzle links I think. Grijalva’s suitsays previous environmental analyses are out of date and did not take into account updated border security measures, including the potential construction of a border wall.It is yet another showdown in federal court over Trump’s immigration policies. Thelawsuit also brings Curiel, whose court is in San Diego, back into the national spotlight on a caseabout a topicthat is nearly as synonymous with the president as his defunct university.The last time, as Curiel served as the judgeover the case on some of the lawsuits which alleged fraud against Trump University, Trump began to attack him, when the presidential candidate was still considered by most to be a long shot for theposition though he had secured the GOP nomination.Perhaps most jarring wasTrump’s continued use of Curiel’s ethnicity to attack the federal judge’s impartiality. Trump falsely asserted that Curiel was a “Mexican,” Curiel was born in Indiana and other times said that he was “Hispanic” and “Spanish,”seemingly as an attempt to argue that the judge was biased because of Trump’ssharply conservativeimmigration ideas, including of course, the wall proposal.”Look, he’s proud of his heritage, okay? I’m building a wall,” Trump said of Curiel in June 2016 to CNN anchor Jake Tapper.

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