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canada goose premium outlet Government should pay for fitting fire safety sprinklers to council tower blocksBirmingham City Council wants 31 million for safety upgrades after Grenfell tragedyGet daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeSee our privacy noticeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailThe Government should fund the fitting of fire safety sprinklers in council owned tower blocks, a House of Commons housing committee has said.The recommendation has been made by a cross party group of MPs who has investigated tower block safety after the Grenfell tower fire last year.Now Birmingham City Council, which plans to fit retro fitting safety sprinklers in all its 213 blocks by the end of 2020, has written to the Government Housing Secretary James Brokenshire asking for help with the million cost.The committee made a range of recommendations on high rise safety, including outlawing combustible materials from all buildings and stopping conflicts of interest, such as builders appointing their own safety inspectors.Revealed: This is when your tower block will be fitted with sprinklers after Grenfell tragedyThe committee stated: “Where structurally feasible, sprinklers should be canada goose black friday sale retro fitted to existing high rise residential buildings to provide an extra layer of safety for residents. The Government should make funding available to fit sprinklers into council and housing association owned residential buildings above 18 metres, and issue guidance to that effect to building owners in the canada goose uk shop private sector.”It Canada Goose Outlet added that it was taking too long for the Government to confirm if and when it would pay up.(Image: Birmingham Mail)Last summer in the aftermath of the Grenfell fire Birmingham City Council committed to fitting sprinklers as a priority. If Canada Goose Outlet Government refuses to pay it will have to cancel other housing renovation work or borrow money to cover the million cost.It has already launched a three year programme of installations starting with the highest risk properties.Now Birmingham MP Jack Dromey (Lab, Erdington) is calling on the Government to pay up.Tower block sprinklers approved across Birmingham canada goose premium outlet.

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