There are several diseases that cause the dementia syndrome

Smoking boosts risk for Alzheimer

Here yet cheap moncler coats mens another reason to stop smoking: It elevates the risk of Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia, according to a new study.

An analysis of more than 20,000 men and women found a 157 percent heightened risk of Alzheimer disease in people who had smoked more than two packs of cigarettes a day. For vascular dementia, the second most common form of dementia, these smokers had a 172 moncler online store percent increased risk.

The study, sponsored by Kaiser Permanente, is published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Researchers say the association between smoking and various forms of dementia is strong, but they do not know exactly why. It has been shown before moncler uk outlet that people who smoke are more likely to have hypertension and cerebral vascular disease, as well as inflammation, Whitmer said. Smoking best moncler jackets may contribute to the damage of brain blood vessels in addition to brain cells, she said.

The data came from Kaiser Permanente Northern California members surveyed between 1978 and 1985. At that time, they were between ages 50 and 60. Diagnoses of various forms of dementia among these people were made from 1994 to 2008, and researchers took that information from electronic health records. The participants in this study were all alive and still members of the health plan in 1994.

Researchers found that associations with the development of the disease are more modest among smokers who use up fewer than two packs a day, but still significant. Those who smoked a half pack to one pack a day had an overall 37 percent elevated risk of dementia, and those who smoked between one and two packs had a 44 percent heightened risk, compared to non smokers.

But this could be an underestimation, moncler usa because some smokers who would have developed dementia died before diagnosis, said Kenneth Hepburn, associate dean cheap moncler sale for research at the Emory University School of Nursing, who was not involved in the study.

The reported risk of dementia among heavy smokers is also likely an underestimation because many of those people will die before they old enough to develop dementia, he said.

While the elevated risk for various cheapmoncler forms of dementia was shown for those smoking two packs a day in midlife, smoking less than half a pack of cigarettes a day, or having smoked in the past, did not appear to raise the risk compared moncler outlet prices with nonsmokers.

Hepburn moncler outlet found the study compelling, and noted that it incorporated an ethnically diverse population of both men and women.

gives great confidence in saying this kind of heavy smoking has some kind of association and it looks like a fairly strong association with the development of the disease, he said.

One limitation of the study is that researchers collected data only about smoking habits among middle aged people; moncler outlet it did not look at what happened among those who had quit after the initial survey, Whitmer said.

The research speaks to what the Alzheimer Association Maintain Your Brain campaign moncler sale outlet is promoting: that brain health has moncler outlet store a lot to do with overall health, Hepburn said.

brain is part of the body, it’s part of the whole and if you assault parts, it’s going to have an impact on the uk moncler outlet whole, he said.

the other cheap moncler jackets womens study was done in the netherlands. there could be some other confounding factors in either study.

Smoking is still one of, if not THE worst thing you could do to your body. That being said, one study either way isn enough discount moncler jackets to say anything.

However it should be noted the sample size in this moncler sale study was greater than the first study. They also studied VASCULAR dementia which has different etiologies from Alzheimers. All of the variables need to be analyzed when comparing the two. I think in general moncler outlet sale larger scale studies need to be conducted, and in different countries to rule out confounding variables.

For the record: Dementia is not a disease but dementia is a syndrome. moncler sale online A syndrome in turn is an association of several clinically recognizable features or symptoms. There are several diseases that cause the dementia syndrome. One of them, and the most prevalent, is Alzheimer disease (AD). So AD causes dementia.

October 25, 2010 at 18:29

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Since 1981 there have been 148 reported studies on ETS, involving spouses, children and workplace exposure. 124 of these studies showed no significant causal relationship between second hand smoke and lung cancer. Of the 24 which showed some risk, only two had a Relative Risk Factor over 3.0 and none higher. What does this mean. To put it in perspective, Robert Temple, director of drug evaluation at the Food and Drug Administration said basic rule is if the relative risk isn at least 3 or 4, forget it. The National Cancer Institute states risks of less than 2 are considered small and are usually difficult to interpret. Such increases may be due to mere chance, statistical bias, or the effect of moncler womens jackets confounding factors that are sometimes not evident. Dr. Kabat, IAQC epidemiologist states association is generally considered weak if the relative risk is under 3.0 and particularly when it is under 2.0, as cheap moncler jackets is the case in the relationship of ETS and lung cancer. Therefore, you can see any concern of moncler outlet woodbury second hand smoke causing lung cancer is highly questionable. Note that the Relative Risk (RR) of lung cancer for persons drinking whole milk is 2.14 and all cancers from chlorinated water ranked at 1.25. These are higher risks than the average ETS risk. If we believe second hand smoke to be a danger for lung cancer then cheap moncler jackets mens we should also never drink milk or chlorinated water.

October 25, 2010 at 21:13

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Mike, it relative risk they are talking about. I familiar moncler outlet online with a study of Swedish snus and pancreatic cancer done in Sweden. They established the risk of a never smoker getting pancreatic cancer at 4 per 100,000 people. They established the risk of Pancreatic cancer among snus users at about 8 per 100,000.

The relative risk is 2.0 or you have twice as much chance of getting pancreatic cancer as a snus user as a never smoker. As you can see, either category is a rather slim chance considering either way 99,992/100k of the populations won get the disease. Everything you do in life has a relative risk factor and at the uk moncler sale end they all lead to the same result.

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