Tagged: Periyar Dravidar Kazhagam

Nationalism and Anti-Caste Radicalism

Nationalism and Anti-Caste Radicalism

The Self-respect movement was not merely a social reform movement. Rather, it considered itself espousing and representing an alternative politics and one in which social concerns were as central to its vision of an ideal polity as political ones. This politics was defined in two ways: as a critique of and in contrast to Congress nationalism; and as political Non-brahminism. Self-respecters prised apart Congress Nationalism and subjected its truth claims and patriotic rhetoric to relentless critical interrogation. Gandhi proved a frustrating object of critique for them: intrigued as well as irritated by his moral creed, they yet dared to disagree...

From Revolt

From Revolt

This selection of articles from Revolt has been made, keeping in mind the historical conjuncture in which the magazine was published. For heuristic purposes, the selection has been arranged under different heads, and as readers will find out, most pieces can and ought to be read across chapters and sections. Each of the four parts comes with its own brief introduction. Each part is further subdivided into thematic sections – these relate to events, personalities, ideas or particular ideological concerns. Each section is further divided into sub-sections. In the latter, wherever they relate to the same idea or topic or...